Worship Services
At St. Matthew’s we strive for intentional, spiritually enriching worship that draws us into deep relationship with God and one another. Prayer together is one way we practice opening our hearts to God’s love. Community life at coffee hour is another way we engage God’s love - through the joy of friendship. We hope you’ll join us for both!
service times
Sundays at 9:30 am Holy Eucharist with Choir followed by coffee hour in the Parish Hall.
On the first Sunday of every month the service is a special Youth-led Service with Holy Communion.
Mondays at 12:00 pm Midday Mindfulness led by Rev. Amy
Wednesday Evenings starting March 12, 2025 at 5:30 pm a LENTEN soup supper followed by a contemplative prayer service at 6:00 pm
Upcoming Special Services
During Lent we have an evening contemplative service supported with contemporary liturgy, music, art, and poetry.
Holy Week Services:
Palm Sunday at 9:30 am - featuring the youth group pantomime
Holy Wednesday Soup Supper at 5:30 pm followed by the evening service at 6 pm
Maundy Thursday with foot washing at 6:00 pm
Good Friday: Stations of the Cross at noon; Tenebrae at 6:00 pm
Easter Vigil at 8:00 pm
Easter Morning Services at 8:00 am and 10:30 am. Following the 10:30 am service join for the egg hunt and joyful reception.
Sunday School
Children’s Sunday School begins at 9:15 am every Sunday
As Episcopalians, we use the Lectionary - a collection of Scripture readings assigned for a given day or occasion. This is a guide for us as we growth in faith and understanding. If you’d like to follow along, or just get a preview of this Sunday’s readings, visit the Lectionary page here: