Serve Our Community
Creation Care
At St. Matt’s we believe that loving and following Jesus also means loving the world he loves. Our Creation Care team formed to help us all become more faithful stewards of our resources and earth, through education, advocacy, and conservation initiatives at St. Matt’s and in our community.
Pastoral Care
Trained and licensed Lay Eucharistic Visitors bring consecrated elements and companionship to people in our community unable to join us in person. If you are interested in serving in this important ministry, please connect with our Rector. If you’d like to request a visit for yourself or someone else, reach out to our office so we can get you connected!
St. Francis Center
The St. Francis Center is a hub for providing shelter and services to people in our communities experiencing homelessness and seeking refuge. At St. Matt’s we regularly collect in-kind and financial donations to support this ministry. An updated donation needs list can be found in the weekly newsletter.