Growing in Grace: Nourished by Gratitude, Bountiful in Generosity.
Growing in Grace
Nourished by Gratitude, Bountiful in Generosity
This year, our stewardship campaign invites us into the theme: "Growing in Grace: Nourished by Gratitude, Bountiful in Generosity." Just as a tree flourishes when deeply rooted in rich soil, our community grows when nourished by gratitude. Christian stewardship recognizes that everything we have and are—our time, talent, and treasure—comes from God. The way we use these gifts reflects how we seek to connect with God and our world. Your generosity allows our parish to extend God’s love and cultivate belonging, making our community bountiful in both spirit and action.
It is no small thing to be an Episcopal Church these days. When you could go to brunch, you come to feast at the table of Christ. When you could take a morning hike, you come to sing and pray. When you could stay within your comfort zone, you choose to welcome strangers and build community. This is counter-cultural work—and it is work that nourishes us all. As we grow in grace, our gratitude overflows, and become bountiful in generosity, ensuring that our church continues to thrive.
During this fall stewardship, you are invited to make a pledge commitment to St. Matthew’s for 2025. A pledge is an expected financial gift for the upcoming year, which helps the vestry be good stewards of our collective financial resources. Every household gives what feels right and manageable for them. Each gift matters, as your contributions are the primary source of funding for St. Matthew’s. Every gift helps further our commitment to be a community rooted in joy, nourished by gratitude, and bountiful in generosity through Jesus' love.
In Christ’s Love,
Rev. Amy Newell-Large, Rector
Stewardship faq
Through the 2025 liturgical year (beginning with our Fall Pledge campaign, continuing through Advent, Epiphany, Lent... etc) we are focusing on the theme of Growing in Grace: Nourished by Gratitude, Bountiful in Generosity. Each season we will reflect on gratitude and generosity, paying attention to the ways God's grace is showing up in our lives.
There will be opportunities to discern stewardship through volunteering, using your talents, and caring for the community in many ways.
Stewardship is often thought of as how we use our time, talent, and treasure. Each of these will be touched on throughout our stewardship year of Growing in Grace.
A financial pledge commitment is one way you can support ministry at St. Matthew’s. It is a commitment to pray, work, and give to the flourishing of our local church. A pledge is a giving estimate of what you are able to give in the upcoming year.
St. Matthew’s is in the midst of growing ministries and programs which are opportunities for us to connect with God and community. The work of the church is to fully support and sustain small groups, programs, and ministries through the operating budget, volunteer commitments, and clergy leadership.
Whereas in the past small fundraisers served to supplement programs, we are a financially healthy parish and intend for our operating budget to comprehensively fund all small groups, ministries, and programs. It is a joyful commitment to our parish life that the church funds completely encompass all areas of St. Matthew’s Church.
Giving to St. Matthew’s is a process of prayerful discernment and faith, it is treated with respect and confidentiality. We receive pledges that range from a few dollars a week, to several thousand dollars a month. In 2024 we received pledges from 58 different households, and exceeded our goal of $200,000. Whether you are pledging for the first time, or increasing your pledge, you are invited to prayerfully consider what amount feels most joyful and right for you.
You can give weekly or monthly online, cash or check, or you can consider a gift through estate planning too. You are encouraged to give through Realm online, and there are folks happy to help you set that up. You can email our treasurer, Chuck, at:
At St. Matthew’s we approach stewardship as a year-round consideration of how we care for our community. There are many ways throughout the year to offer your time, or talent to support the work and ministry of our parish.