Give Online

Giving is a blessing that changes lives for the better! You can make a secure donation online using Realm below.


  1. Enter the Amount you’d like to give

  2. Select the Fund you’d like to contribute to (see descriptions below) - this helps us make sure your donation goes where you want it!

  3. Use the Memo field to enter or select a specific ministry or event (if applicable)

  4. Select whether you’d like to Give Once, or Give Multiple Times as a recurring payment

  5. Select the Date you’d like the payment to go through

  6. Enter your email address

  7. Hit Continue to move forward to entering your payment information securely

You can also give via text message. Text givetostmatts to 73256, followed by your gift amount.



Non Pledge Donation

A freewill donation to the ministries and work of God at St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church.


A donation for one of our specific fundraising events held throughout the year (use Memo to specify which event)

Youth Group

Support our youth programs and youth group activities.

Altar Flower Donations

Provide flowers for the altar and memorialize a special date for a special person. Flowers can be taken home after the Sunday services.


Pledge to St. Matthew’s

A contribution toward your annual pledge to St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church.

Easter and christmas

A special donation for Easter or Christmas season.

Rector Discretionary Account

Donate to the Rector’s special account designated to help individuals who come to the Rector seeking assistance.

Youth Missions

A special donation to help fund youth missions.