Serve at St. Matthew’s

Ways to Serve on Sundays

Acolytes, Chalice Ministers, Intercessors and Readers

Chalice Ministers serve the consecrated wine during our worship services. Readers and Intercessors read the lessons and the lead the Prayers of the People, respectively. Training is provided at the parish for these ministries. Young people participate monthly in reading as well.


Ushering is an essential ingredient for a smoothly run church service, and this ministry provides a means for becoming involved in an activity that consumes virtually no additional time and there are no meetings to attend! Our ushering force consists of individual men and women, husband and wife teams and parent/child teams.   

Altar Guild

The Altar Guild is a volunteer group of parishioners whose ministry is to care for the altar, vestments, vessels, and altar linens of the parish. Altar Guild members prepare the sanctuary for services and clean up afterwards. Members supervise the decoration of the sanctuary and manage the flower donations for Sundays and special occasions.

We love to have new people join us! If you feel called to this ministry, please visit the sacristy after any service to speak to an Altar Guild member. A willing heart is all that is required.

Other Ways to Serve


The Fellowship and Hospitality Committees promote celebration and socializing outside of a purely worship environment. The Fellowship Committee helps on Sunday mornings by organizing coffee and snacks after each service, and organizing Breakfast on the first Sunday of the month. The Hospitality Committee hosts receptions, dinners, and other social events, attempting to provide a friendly, welcoming environment for all parishioners and guests.

Building and Grounds

The Buildings and Grounds Committee works with our Junior Wardens to coordinate and supervise work on our campus and help to make sure that our buildings are safe and comfortable. This includes snow removal in the Winter and lawn care in the Summer, as well as a Security Team making sure the campus is safe. They also organize church clean-up days and help with special projects around the grounds. We worship in a historic building in a beautiful location, and the work of this team is vital to maintaining our space for the community to use. Many of these activities can happen on your own schedule whenever works well for you, so this is a great way to contribute your time and skills behind the scenes!

Flower Guild

The Flower Guild provides the stunning flowers and arrangements that decorate our church. They also host periodic flower arrangement classes and social events, and help bring beauty to our church for special events. Please contact the Office if you are interested in participating in this group, or contributing to the cost of flowers.

Prayers and Squares

Prayers and Squares is a beloved tradition at St. Matt’s bringing comfort and prayers to people when they need it most. This is a sewing group that makes prayer quilts requested by parishioners for members of our community. These quilts are given to those that are ill or in distress to wrap themselves in prayer. The quilts are blessed and tied together by all during our Sunday worship, so that we all become a part of this ministry.

If you can sew a straight line, you can help! Please reach out to the office for more information on how to join this ministry.