Covid -19 Guidelines
St Matthew’s Episcopal Church Parker

Balcomb House

  • Balcomb House may not be used as a meeting place.

  • The rooms are too small for social distancing.

  • We do not have the means to have it adequately cleaned between meetings.

  • If someone needs supplies that are in the building only one person at a time will be permitted to go into Balcomb House. We ask that the person stay in the building as little time as possible.

  • We ask that the person not use the restrooms.

  • If lights are needed, the person must turn them off as they leave.

  • The Security team should still check out the Balcomb House to ensure that it is secure.

diocesan directions

  • The continued use of masks, especially in large, in-door gatherings where small children are present, is strongly engouraged.

  • All clergy and laity will be vaccinated before attending diocesan conferences and gatherings (unless there is a medical exemption).

  • Congregations may return prayer books and hymnals to the pews, and leaders may consider resuming the passing of the plate at the offertory and people gathering at the altar rail to receive the sacrament.

  • “Our worship is not about what is legal; it is about what is meet and right. “

  • “As followers of Jesus, we are called to go the extra mile when it comes to loving our neighbors.”

cleaning for in-person services

We will use disinfecting wipes for cleaning between services.

These wipes have been certified by the EPA as a product that is effective in killing the COVID-19 virus.

Kroger Home Sense Disinfecting Wipes EPA Reg. No.6836-336 ZEP Disinfecting Wipes EPA Reg. No. 1839-174

o After each service surfaces of the following will be wiped down with a disinfecting wipe:

Back of the pews ( be careful to not get on back cushion) Altar rail

Any door handle or door that has been used to enter or exit the building.

The surfaces that are wiped down will be allowed to air dry. (per EPA and manufacturer directions)

The following restroom areas, as a minimum, will be cleaned between each service:

The door handles to the restroom. Handles of faucets. Countertop

Those cleaning the church between services are to document with date, time, and signature.

contact tracing

  • Notify the Tri-County Health department if someone tests positive who has attended an in-person service.

  • If anyone attending has tested positive within 7 days after the service/meeting a phone call will be made to each household who attended the service/meeting.

  • A follow up letter will also be sent as documentation that all have been contacted.

  • If anyone in the service or meeting is exposed to COVID a phone call will be made to each household at the service/meeting

  • A follow up letter will also be sent as documentation that all have been contacted.

  • Absolutely No names will be disclosed as to who the infected or exposed person was when contacting households for contact tracing.

  • The office staff will be responsible for contacting the individuals who attended the service/meeting.


Required to stay home with any signs or symptoms of disease such as:

  • Fever or chills

  • Cough

  • Shortness of breath

  • Difficulty breathing

  • Fatigue

  • Muscle or body aches

  • Headache

  • New loss of smell or taste

  • Sore throat

  • Congestion or runny nose

  • Nausea or vomiting, diarrhea.

Flexible hours or remote scheduling should be provided whenever possible, especially if the employee is showing signs of sickness or has a family member who is at risk.

Face Mask and 6-10-foot distancing are required when on campus and around others.

In person services

In-Person Services are when we are in the Yellow Zone for 7 days or more

o Attendees will be greeted in the Narthex, one family at a time.
o Temperatures will be taken from each attendee before being seated in the Sanctuary.

o No food or drink will be offered in the building. There are people who need water to drink and bring their own.

o Attendees will be seated by family groups only.
o Attendees should refrain from singing (even while wearing a mask).

o Offering plates will be placed in an area that will be available for parishioners to place their offerings in individually.

o Attendees will enter and exit the building as directed: one person/ household party at a time adhering to physical distancing guidelines.

o All materials will be removed from the pews including hymnals, Book of Common Prayers, and Bibles.

o Cleaning: the Sanctuary, Narthex and Restrooms will be cleaned between and after the services per directions of the Tri-County Health Department. ( Refer to the Guidelines of Cleaning )

• How many people can be in the Sanctuary? (when we can have inside events)

o Bishop Kym recommends in person services ” when county reaches 7% or less of the seven-day moving percentage”.

o Bishop Kym has advised us to use our County guidelines as different Counties have different needs and rules about inside gathering. Canon Carl has asked us to stay under 50 when possible, many large families adding numbers quickly being the exception.

Parish Hall

Parish Hall will be closed for use until further notice.

We do not have the financial means to have it adequately cleaned between meetings.

If someone needs supplies that are in the building only one person at a time will be permitted to go into Parish Hall. We ask that the person stay in the building as little time as possible.

We ask that the person not use the restrooms.
If lights are needed, the person must turn them off as they leave.

The Security team should still check out the Parish Hall to ensure that it is secure.

Youth group

The Youth Group may meet outside when the weather permits using the following precautions:

o Face Masks must be worn by all covering the nose and mouth

o 6 feet social distancing between households

o All of the meetings will take place outside. No food will be prepared by the group. All youth will bring their own food and individual snacks in packages may be offered.

o Game night featuring games that can be played with social distancing will be offered. Going old school, croquette, horseshoes, badminton, potato sack races and more. No contact or shared ball sports will be offered.

o Movie night projected on an outdoor screen with youth on blankets by family. Siblings will sit together, and blankets will be 8-10 feet apart.

o Hiking day, group will meet at public hiking area, each youth will bring their own snacks and water, social distancing will be maintained at all times.

o For these events, each youth will need to be driven by their family. The youth group will not be providing transportation as we usually do, so as not to be sharing cars.

o All youth will have masks on them for all events in the case that outside social distancing of 6-10 ft. cannot be maintained at all times.

o Hand sanitizer will be on hand at all times and youth will be asked to clean their hands throughout the events.