Welcome to St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church in Parker, CO

It’s a joy to have you at St. Matthew’s!

We are so glad you’re here! St. Matthew’s is a warm and vibrant church where people of all ages gather to worship God and enjoy each other's company. We delight in each person gathered, and celebrate the belovedness of all.

Join us for spiritually enriching worship each Sunday morning, and special services held throughout the church year. You’ll find friendly folks, traditional prayers, inspiring sermons, and great music every week.

You’re especially invited to our joy-filled celebrations of community - game nights, women’s group, mindfulness and contemplative prayer, not to mention the Parker Wine Walks!

Everyone is welcome, whatever you are on your faith journey.

Our Mission

To be stewards of Christ’s mission of Acceptance and Love for all people in our congregation and community through our worship, Church ministries, and community outreach.

services on sundays at 9:30 am

We are celebrating the season of Lent, a time for reflection on how we connect with God in our daily lives and open our hearts to God’s love. We offer this prayer of guidance and grace:

Holy Wisdom, in your loving kindness you created and restored us when we were lost: inspire us with your truth, that we may love you with our whole minds and run to you with open hearts, through Christ our Savior. Amen.

In this season, we give thanks for God’s grace at work in our lives. When we wander from God’s love we are called home, when we become wrapped up in our will and desires, we are gently drawn back to God’s embrace. We strive for the freedom to choose love and live as bearers of Christ’s light.

Worship with us

You are welcome to join us for authentic and meaningful worship. We gather at 9:30 on Sunday mornings for a Holy Eucharist, and other special services throughout the church year.

Map & Directions

St. Matthew's is located in historic downtown Parker, Colorado. It is nestled just south of Main Street and west of South Pikes Peak Drive at 19580 Pilgrims Pl, Parker, CO 80138.